
今年MWC大奖评选分为八大类、23个奖项,主办单位特别是移动App奖项细分为Apple、BlackBerry、Android、Nokia等平台,还有一项综合Best Mobile App大奖,评选规则中,第一条就道破了过去一年App流行规则:简单为王,引领科技潮流是关键(Simplicity is king, navigation is key)


今年MWC大奖评选分为八大类、23个奖项,主办单位特别是移动App奖项细分为Apple、BlackBerry、Android、Nokia等平台,还有一项综合Best Mobile App大奖,在今年大会公布的评选规则中,第一条就道破了过去一年App流行规则:简单为王,引领科技潮流是关键(Simplicity is king, navigation is key),从入围名单不难看出个中道理,最终《愤怒的小鸟》获得最终大奖。


官网地址: http://www.mobileworldcongress.com/awards/global_mobile_awards.htm

Global Mobile App Awards
App of the Year on the Apple Platform
Rovio / Clickgamer/Chillingo for Angry Birds
App of the Year on the BlackBerry® App World Platform
Research In Motion for BlackBerry Messenger
App of the Year on the Android Platform
Google for Google Maps
App of the Year on the Nokia Platform
Herocraft & InnerActive for Zum Zum
Best Mobile App
Rovio / Clickgamer/Chillingo for Angry Birds
Category 2 – Mobile Advertising & Marketing
Best Mobile Advertising & Marketing Campaign
Mobilera – Outeractive for Unilever Cornetto Multiplayer Interactive Wall Projection Mapping Game
Category 3 – Best Mobile Business & Enterprise
Best Mobile Enterprise Product or Solution
Antenna for Antenna Mobility Platform (AMP)
Best Mobile Money Product or Solution
Airtel Africa, MasterCard Worldwide and Standard Chartered Bank for Airtel Card
Category 4 – Social & Economic Development
Best use of Mobile for Social & Economic Development
Ericsson and Flexenclosure for Ericsson Community Power
Best Mobile Money for the Unbanked Service
Vodafone Group, Safaricom, Vodacom, Vodafone Essar Limited and Roshan Ltd for M-PESA
Best Product, Initiative or Service for Underserved Segment
BBC World Service Trust for BBC Janala
Category 5 – Mobile Innovation
Best M-Health Innovation
Mobisante Inc for MobiUS
Best Mobile Learning Innovation
Urban Planet Mobile and PT Telkomsel for Urban English, Mobile English Learning Initiative
Best Mobile Innovation for Utilities
EDMI and Sierra Wireless for EDMI EWM100 Advanced GSM/GPRS Modem for Smart Metering Applications
Best Mobile Innovation for Automotive & Transport
Nissan Motor, AT&T, NTT DOCOMO, and Telenor Connexion for ICT for Electric Vehicles
Best Embedded Mobile Device (Non-Handsets)
AT&T and VITALITY, Inc for AT&T-connected Vitality GlowCaps
Category 6 – Green Mobile Award
Green Mobile Award for Best Green Product/Service or Performance
Bharti Infratel for GreenTowers P7 Project
Category 7 – Best Mobile Devices
Best Mobile Device
Apple for iPhone 4
Device Manufacturer of the Year
Category 8 – Best Technology
Best Mobile Broadband Technology
Ruckus Wireless for Ruckus Mobile Wi-Fi Gateway System
Best Mobile Technology for Emerging Markets
Orange for Orange solar base station programme
Best Technology Breakthrough
Seven Networks for SEVEN Open Channel
Best Customer Care & CRM
Airtel Africa and Tango Telecom for Tango Telecom’s ‘Dynamic Pricing Service’
Category 9 – Outstanding Achievement Awards
GSMA Chairman’s Award
Dr. Wang Jianzhou, Chairman, China Mobile
Government Leadership Award
Government of Afghanistan

以下为今年Best Mobile App入围名单,及简单的介绍和点评:

1. FlipBoard:iPad社区杂志软件


Flipboard的灵感来自于创始人迈克•麦克库伊(Mike McCue)在飞机上阅读多本杂志的经历,他突发奇想,“为什么不能把这种体验带到电脑上去呢?”但直到iPad面世,迈克的构想才成为可能。



2. Foursquare:地址信息工具(LBS),用户可以通过手机找到附近所在位置




3. Google Goggles:视觉搜索工具,使用者只需用手机拍下照片,便可搜索相关资讯

Google Goggles使用的方式相当简单,第一次打开程序时,它会先做个简短的小说明,基本上就是它会开启拍照模式,取景之后按拍摄键,相机就会做自动对焦(如果支持的话)并且拍摄照片,之后程序就会分析照片里面的成份、并且在 Google上面搜寻,如果你拍的是景点照片,搜寻出来的就是这个景点的名称与地点、搜寻书本可以告诉你是什么书,还可以拍画作之类的东西,程序都可以搜得到。不过它也有些限制,比如拍摄动物、家具、服饰之类的东西,就不太搜得到东西了。

4. Google Maps:网上地图,第一个想到的当然就是Google Maps!

Google推出移动平台版本,增加离线支持、3D建筑、及罗盘定位等功能 。

谷歌地图(Google Maps)是 Google 公司提供的电子地图服务,包括局部详细的卫星照片。能提供三种视图:一是矢量地图(传统地图),可提供政区和交通以及商业信息;二是不同分辨率的卫星照片(俯视图,跟 Google Earth 上的卫星照片基本一样);三是地形视图,可以用以显示地形和等高线。它的姊妹产品是Google Earth。

5. Angry Birds:紅遍全球的移动游戏

推出两天就突破两百万次下载量,随后声势更是一飞沖天!Angry Birds让移动游戏回到最原始也是最重要的初衷,简单就是力量!

Angry Birds 是一款首发于iOS,而后跨平台的触摸类游戏。愤怒的小鸟为了护蛋,展开了与绿皮猪之间的斗争,触摸控制弹弓,完成射击。

6. Spotify:音乐P2P服务

一年多前在大家的期盼下,终于顺利于Apple App Store上架,日前市场传闻四月即将推出的Facebook手机,也将内置这款来自瑞典的线上音乐服务。


